Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Com. Santosh Kumar, President AIPAEA CHQ visited Kolkata unit on 20-02-2015 - A Report.

A General Body meeting was held on 20th February 2015 at tiffin hours at Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata. Com. Debasish Guhathakurta presided over the meeting. Com. Sankar Bhattacharya, Circle Secretary, informed house as our all India President, Com. Santosh Kumar visited the Kolkata circle a scope was come to our organisation to organise this General Body meeting.At the outset Com. Santosh Kumar thanked all members of AIPAEA, Kolkata for strong fight against the burocrats those were introducing salary payment through bank mandatorily and achieved the demand of getting it in Cash also. He clarify the demands of the Confederation and position of 7th CPC. He also stated that regarding this issue, Government is not a position to give it easily and if we do not fight for the interim relief and D.A. merger, it will not be achieved. He further elaborated on the stepping up, four advance increament and whether JA to SA should be treated as promotion or not. Com. Santosh Kumar also explained about the CIS which is tried to impliment in the Postal Accounts offices by the Central Governmentas well as Postal Department. Some members of Kolkata unit asked some questions about some demands of the empolyees. Com. President replied all the question clearly. After that president of the meeting thanked Com. Santosh Kumar.All the EC members and ex-President P.K. Dasgupta attended the meeting. A huge numbers of members were present in the meeting.